Sunday, January 11, 2015

2013-2014 in Review

So you might be thinking its 2015 and I'm reading about 2013. Yep, well that's our blogging record for you.

Here's our top most memorable moments of Sept 2013-June 2014 in no particular order:

-       Iron chef challenge 
Our friends Marianne and Lance Von Bracht, Jordan and Hailey Mabey, and Matt and Haley Langton competed in a date night iron chef. Our challenge was to use sour cream and they had to use cottage cheese. Not to be cheesy, but it was a treat to spend time with our friends.

- First and Last BYU Football Game
Curtis had never been to a BYU game, so finally our friends let us have their tickets and we went, despite the snow storm. Curtis rubbed my feet during half time since they had frozen- (I've got the best husband around.)

-       Hike up Farmington mountain
Momma Ferrin had finally recovered from her knee replacement. She wanted to fulfill a lifelong dream of climbing up the mountain peak just south of Farmington Canyon. What we thought of as a two hour hike turned into a day long trek that challenged our spirits continually. The troop consisted of Jacob, Jacob's girlfriend Mo, Curtis, and Momma Ferrin. After we had hiked for about 3 hours up steep hills and rocks, the trail ended. We then had to bushwhack up the rest of the mountain for another couple of hours. No one escaped being all cut up by the tough, sharp, bushes and trees that we forged through. We finally made it to the top and were rescued and brought down the mountain by Grandma Peterson (Momma Ferrin's mother) and Avery.

-       Stuart Called to Serve
December of 2013 is when Stu gave a talk in a sacrament meeting that would be his last before he went to serve in the Omaha Nebraska Mission. It was a blessing though, that upon entering the MTC, Curtis was one of his teachers, which meant that Curtis and Elder Barrett left the MTC for good at the same time.

Stu's mission call

-       BYU graduation

April was the mark of 5 years at BYU for me, Avery. I extended my education to include a Bachelors of Art, ESL minor, and an Art Education Teaching Certificate. It's a weird combination, I know, but with it I hope to have a variety of opportunities available to me.

-       Another trip to NAEA in San Diego
Avery got to go to San Diego with the Art Educators and had a blast!

-     Awesome Halloween Costumes
No description necessary

-       Curtis- Cutco
After I ended my time teaching at the MTC I was referred by my cousin for a position with Vector Marketing. Thus I began showing and selling the world's finest cutlery, a challenge for both me and my family. I am deeply grateful though for all those that were willing to listen to my presentation and those who chose to become part of my Cutco family.

-    Assistant Manager and Secretary
After working for Vector/Cutco for awhile and attending the leadership academy they have, I became the Assistant Manager for Vector Marketing in the Provo, UT office. Avery was a saint and decided to support me in my work for Vector, so she became a receptionist and secretary for Vector.

-    Chicago and RDC Conferences
When Curtis was first made an Assistant Manager for Vector he got to go to Chicago, IL and then Dallas, TX. The seminars that he attended were both motivating and inspiring, and after returning from the conferences and and returned to showing Cutco, he became more successful.

Chelsie, Kameron, Curtis, and Josue on the way to Chicago

One of the weeks during the summer in the whole Central Region

-    Avery- Taught an ESL High School Class 

For a semester I observed and taught three ESL classes with my classmate, Jana Crofts. We taught a beginning, intermediate, and advanced class with students ranging from speaking no English to foreign exchange students that were fluent but still learning culture specific words. Due to smaller class sizes (13-18 students) I was able to get to know the students better which made the experience so much more rewarding. They acted up a little bit, but I came to love them in my short time.

-    Avery- Art Specialist for a 3rd Grade Class
 I loved coming weekly to do art projects with them because they were so bright and creative.These kids got so into art! I have a separate blog with all of the art lessons and activities we did.

-    Curtis- 1st grade practicum
"You ar the best stoodet teecher" was one of my first and favorite things a "stoodet" wrote to me. Teaching first grade was a good introduction into what it means to teach using baby steps.

-    Curtis - 6th practicum
Some of the most memorable parts were having classroom meetings, teaching with my great friend Craig Bell, and doing my guided reading groups with stories like Maniac Magee. Leaving the school with a torn shirt and pants from the intense way that I played zombie tag was also a major memory.

-       Read The Hobbit

After watching the second Hobbit movie, we wanted some resolve in our lives so we borrowed The Hobbit from a friend and relived Bilbo's adventures. Reading aloud was great, even if Avery was asleep 1/8th of the time.

-       Stay with grandpa Adams
We got to spend time during the summer staying with Avery's grandpa, Monroe Adams, at his home in Alpine, Utah. This included trips driving up the canyon, visits to friends and family, learning how to use an oxygen pump, drawings with Grandpa, games(And he beat us!), picking his own flowers to take to the cemeteries in Idaho, walks around the park, listening to stories, and more stories, and more stories. We learned a lot from him in those 10 days and we were grateful for the time we had before he passed away later that summer.

-        Avery-  Art Student Teaching 
From January to April Avery taught the art classes at Reagan Academy for 1st-8th grades (Almost 600 students). It was challenging teaching the various age groups each day but it was such a rewarding experience.  The first graders would wave at Avery in the hallways and forget to use the restroom before class because they were so excited for art class.  The 3rd-4th graders learned art from various cultures- such as Medieval playing cards and Kalimbas(African instrument) out of clay. The 5th-6th graders gave me a run for my money. With the 7th-8th graders we focused on more difficult concepts and techniques, when they were willing to work.  

These are just a few of our favorite memories.